š“Ding Hao Pure Sugarcane Juiceš“
Updated: Jun 8, 2021

š“Ding Hao Pure Sugarcane Juiceš“
šAddress: Chomp Chomp Food Centre
20 Kensington Park Road S557269, Stall 21 & 16
Operating Hours: Monday-Sunday, 2pm-11pm

Do you recall your days at Chomp Chomp Food Centre? A popular supper spot for late-night cravings; there's no better way to end of our meals than with a large, refreshing cup of freshly preshed sugarcane. Here's Uncle Brandon's story.
Uncle Brandon has been supplying fresh sugarcane juice to generations of consumers for over 20 years. Many of us might not think much about the origin of each inexpensive cup of sugarcane juice, but for Uncle Brandon, it goes beyond simply serving the drink.

For many years, each cup of thick sugarcane juice served meant that Uncle Brandon was subjected to the hazards of painstakingly crafting each cup of juice with a dangerous piece of equipment. We were moved by how committed he was to serving the perfect drink - bound to make a customer smile on a hot, humid day.
The seemingly cheerful, worry-free man began to share his troubles with us. For him, sustaining his business in the long run seems to be riddled with many uncertainties and fears, with sales plummeting by 60%, and prices of rent and ingredients skyrocketing.

Despite transiting to online food delivery platforms, Uncle Brandon is experiencing difficulty in adapting to the new normal. Huge fluctuations in sales make it more difficult than ever to estimate the amount of sugarcane to order. However, one thing remains unchanged - his passion in serving high-quality beverages. Hence, constantly ordering new sugarcane from his suppliers is a must for Uncle Brandon.
If you're seeking for a refreshingly delightful drink to quench your thirst, Uncle Brandon's sugarcane juice is more than perfect!
P.S. We'd like to point out that, in our opinion, the Chomp Chomp business model is competitive in nature, which led us to wonder how quiet business owners like Uncle Brandon are feeling right now. We're hoping to use social media to support Uncle Brandon during this difficult time and we hope that you feel inspired to do so as well!
Until we can shake leg and lim kopi again,
The Hawker Cart